Did you know that food intolerances can occur when consuming preservatives and additives? Many people are intolerant to benzoates, sulfites, and hydroxytoluene, as well as food dyes. The problem is that these preservatives and additives are found in thousands of different processed foods.

The best way to avoid these toxins is to completely avoid processed foods and to focus on fresh and whole food sources.

Food sensitivities are becoming more and more common and can cause a wide range of symptoms. While a food intolerance does not involve the immune system, they can certainly make you feel sick. If you think you may be suffering from a food sensitivity here are some tips to help you detect what they may be.

Tip #1: Try an Elimination Diet

Uncovering a food sensitivity can be challenging, but if you suspect you may be dealing with food intolerances, try removing the food from your diet for at least 2 weeks before adding a small amount back in. If you feel better without the food and worse with it, chances are you are dealing with a food intolerance.

Tip #2: Get the Proper Testing

Uncovering food sensitivities can be complex and challenging which is why getting the proper testing it the most straight forward way to feeling better fast. You can book your food sensitivity screening with me and learn more here.

Tip #3: Boost Gut Health           

If you have a food sensitivity and you have determined what the culprit is, remove it from your diet and work to rebuild your gut health. Focus on fermented foods such as kefir, unsweetened coconut yogurt, and sauerkraut.

For this week’s challenge, I challenge you to take a look at how you feel every day. Do you suffer from fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, joint pain? All of these can be linked back to a hidden food sensitivity. Here are some of the symptoms to watch out for:

  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Gut issues & bowel changes
  • Bloating
  • Sinus or respiratory issues
  • Brain fog
  • Skin breakouts
  • Joint pain/inflammation
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