Did you know that a number of different things can cause an eczema flare up? Things like mold, pollen, stress, chemicals, harsh soaps, and food allergies can all make eczema worse.

Some of the most common food allergies that make eczema worse include nuts, milk, eggs, fish, and wheat. As it turns out, 50% of children with eczema are sensitive to cow’s milk protein. If you suspect you have a food allergy or sensitivity that is making your eczema worse, schedule an appointment with a naturopath to conduct food allergy testing.

Eczema is something that affects people from as young as infancy, into adulthood. The thing about this skin condition is that eczema is not just skin deep. In a 2015 study in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism found that people with eczema were more likely to develop asthma, as well as sensitivities or allergies to foods.

Here are 3 tips if you suffer from eczema:

Tip #1: Focus on Omega-3’s

Omega 3 rich foods such as wild-caught salmon and walnuts are great for the skin. They give our body the ability to grow new skin, and they prevent inflammation and help to ward off eczema.

Tip #2: Reduce Stress

Stress is a known trigger of eczema. Strive to get some stress reduction into your day. Try a guided meditation, or a relaxing yoga practice to calm the nerves, and keep eczema at bay.

Tip #3: Enjoy Probiotic Rich Foods        

Things like full-fat unsweetened yogurt are rich in the healthy bacteria our immune systems need to function optimally. The good bacteria helps to stimulate the body to create certain antibodies that help to prevent the body from overreacting to certain allergens. This is an important part of preventing eczema.

If you’re looking for a challenge and a fast track way to boost skin health, here is this week’s challenge.

For this week’s challenge, I challenge you to avoid specific eczema triggers. If you can avoid the things that cause eczema to occur in the first place, you may be well on your way to having your eczema under control.

  • Avoid food allergies & sensitivities
  • Avoid high-stress situations
  • Avoid harsh soaps, and care products that contain chemicals
  • Remove clothing made from synthetics from your     wardrobe
  • Avoid dust mites & areas with lots of pollen and mold
  • Try not to get too hot or too cold
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