Did you know that there are different parts of the nervous system?
Central Nervous System: The command center of the body. Consists of the brain, retina, and spinal cord.
Peripheral Nervous System: Consists of sensory neurons, ganglia, and nerves that connect the CNS to the extremities of the body.
Autonomic Nervous System: The nerves that connect the CNS to the lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, bladder, as well as sex organs.
The nervous system is a collection of nerves as well as cells known as neurons that help to transmit signals to different area of the body. There are many different conditions that can arise from dysfunction of the nervous system. Here are some ways to keep your nervous system healthy:
Tip #1: Introduce Skullcap Herb
Skullcap, a hardy perennial herb native to North America, is possibly the best overall tonic herb for the nervous system. It encourages proper electrical activity and functioning in the brain. This has given it a reputation for helping treat neurological problems such as tremors, seizures, nervous tension and anxiety. Skullcap also has antispasmodic properties that can relieve muscle tension.
Tip #2: Exercise & Eat Well
Exercising and watching your diet can both help keep blood pressure in check and prevent diabetes. What do these have to do with the nervous system? Both of these conditions can cause a decrease in nervous system function.
Tip #3: Get Enough B-Vitamins
B-12 is particularly important for the nervous system so you will want to make sure you are getting enough. B-12 is present primarily in animal products so if you are a vegan or vegetarian, supplementation may be necessary.
For this week’s challenge, I challenge you to take the necessary steps to ensure a healthy nervous system:
- Get enough healthy fat from things like coconut oil, avocados, and nuts
- Be sure to get enough B-12
- Exercise regularly
- Get enough rest
- Exercise your brain by reading or writing daily
- Try yoga
- Add more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet for healthy brain function. Wild-caught salmon, chia, and flaxseeds are excellent