Less red wine, more good times…


Alcohol is one of the world’s favourite ways to get intoxicated.


Most likely, you already know the benefits. It can help to make you feel more confident, reduce anxiety, and make you think less about things that are stressing you out.


However, you also probably know the drawbacks. It can make you feel more emotional, increase anxiety, and make you think a lot more about the things that are stressing you out. Not to mention, it can give you a nasty hangover the next day.


It really is swings and roundabouts.


Having a tipple every now and again isn’t that bad, but when it becomes a regular habit, a need, almost, that’s when problems can arise.


Did you know?


64% of dry January participants drank less even 6 months after it had finished.


So, just by getting to the end of the month, you’re setting yourself up for healthier habits going forward.


Most people tend to find that when they reduce their alcohol consumption that they sleep better, have more energy, have an increased sense of wellbeing, and got sick less.


Contrary to popular belief, alcohol doesn’t improve your sleep. Although you may fall asleep quicker, the quality of sleep is drastically lower. You’ll also find that you’ll sleep for less time on average, too. Falling asleep quicker is a small benefit for these two massive drawbacks.


Whether you’re fully committing to dry January or just trying to cut down your habits, I hope you make great progress and can stick through to the end.


At the very least, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment.

If you’d like some more help with making 2020 your happiest, healthiest year, then send me a message.

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